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Love Shayari in English Translation

1. In the garden of love, our hearts bloom like flowers, entwined in the fragrance of forever. 2. Your laughter is the melody that dances through the corridors of my soul, a symphony of love. 3. In your eyes, I find the universe, and in your touch, I discover the poetry of eternity. 4. Love is not just a word; it's the ink that writes the story of our intertwined destinies. 5. Like stars in the night sky, our love sparkles with a timeless brilliance that knows no bounds. 6. Your love is the compass that guides me through the storms of life, leading me to the shores of serenity. 7. In the tapestry of time, our love is a thread that weaves a beautiful and everlasting design. 8. With every heartbeat, I hear the echo of your name, a sweet melody that plays in the chambers of my heart. 9. Your smile is the sun that brightens the darkest corners of my world, casting away all shadows. 10. In the silence of the night, our whispers of love create a symphony that lulls the world to sleep. 11

Past perfect tense examples in Hindi to English translation

The past perfect tense in Hindi is often formed using the past tense of the auxiliary verb "होना" (hona) along with the past participle of the main verb. Here are some examples along with their English translations: 1. मैंने खाना खा लिया था।    English: I had eaten. 2. तुमने पहले वहाँ जा चुके थे।    English: You had already gone there. 3. हमने उसे पहले ही देख लिया था।    English: We had already seen him. 4. तुमने अपना काम कर लिया था।    English: You had completed your work. 5. उसने पहले ही सच बता दिया था।    English: He had already told the truth. 6. हम वहाँ पहुँच चुके थे जब वह आया।    English: We had already arrived there when he came. In these examples, the past perfect tense is used to express an action that was completed before another action in the past. The past participle (like खा लिया था, जा चुके थे, देख लिया था) and the past tense of the auxiliary verb "होना" (hona) together convey the idea of completion before a specific time or event in the past. This ten

Past perfect continuous tense examples in Hindi to English translation

The past perfect continuous tense in Hindi is formed by using the past tense of the auxiliary verb "होना" (hona) along with the present participle of the main verb. Here are some examples along with their English translations: 1. मैंने दो घंटे से पढ़ाई कर रहा था।    English: I had been studying for two hours. 2. तुम्होंने कितने समय से इंतजार किया था?    English: How long had you been waiting? 3. हम दोनों रात भर बातें कर रहे थे।    English: We had been talking all night. 4. वह अपना नाटक रच रही थी।    English: She had been composing her play. 5. तुमने उसे कहा था कि तुम उसकी मदद कर रहे थे।    English: You had been telling him that you were helping him. 6. वे अपना बच्चे के लिए खोज रहे थे।    English: They had been searching for their child. In these examples, the past perfect continuous tense is used to describe actions that were ongoing in the past and were still happening up to a certain point or event. The present participle (like कर रहा था, इंतजार किया था, बातें कर रहे थे) an

Future perfect tense examples in Hindi to English translation

The future perfect tense in Hindi is often formed using the future tense of the auxiliary verb "होना" (hona) along with the past participle of the main verb. Here are some examples along with their English translations: 1. मैंने उसे पहचाना होगा।    - English: I will have recognized him. 2. तुमने वह बुक पढ़ ली होगी।    - English: You will have read that book. 3. हम यहाँ पहुँच जाएँगे और तुम्हें मिल लेंगे।    - English: We will have arrived here, and we will meet you. 4. तुम उसे कह चुके होंगे कि तुम आ रहे हो।    - English: You will have told him that you are coming. 5. उसने अपना काम पूरा कर लिया होगा।    - English: He will have completed his work. 6. हम यहाँ से निकल चुके होंगे।    - English: We will have left from here. In these examples, the future perfect tense is used to express actions that will be completed in the future before another future action or time. The past participle (like पहचाना होगा, पढ़ ली होगी, कह चुके होंगे) and the future tense of the auxiliary verb "ह

Simple present tense examples in Hindi to English translation

The simple present tense in Hindi is often straightforward and is used to describe habitual actions, general truths, or routine activities. Here are some examples along with their English translations: 1. मैं रोज़ सुबह जॉगिंग करता हूँ।    - English: I jog every morning. 2. वह एक अच्छा गायक है।    - English: He is a good singer. 3. तुम यह किताब पढ़ते हो।    - English: You read this book. 4. हम स्कूल जाते हैं।    - English: We go to school. 5. यहाँ समुद्र सुंदर है।    - English: The sea is beautiful here. 6. तुम रोज़ सैर पर जाते हो।    - English: You go for a walk every day. In these examples, the simple present tense in Hindi is used to express actions that happen regularly, general truths, or routines. The verbs used in the examples are in their base or root form (e.g., करता हूँ, है, पढ़ते हो), and they convey a sense of habitual or routine activities. The simplicity of the tense structure in both Hindi and English makes it easy to express everyday actions and facts.

Present perfect continuous tense examples in Hindi to English translation

The present perfect continuous tense in Hindi is often formed using the auxiliary verb "है" (hai) along with the present participle of the main verb and the auxiliary verb "रहा/रही/रहे" (raha/rahi/rahe) depending on the gender and number of the subject. This tense indicates an action that started in the past, has been ongoing, and is still relevant to the present. Let's explore a few examples: 1. हम तुम्हारी यात्रा का इंतजार कर रहे हैं।    - English: We have been waiting for your journey. 2. तुम यहाँ कितने समय से खड़े हो रहे हो?    - English: How long have you been standing here? 3. मैं यह किताब पढ़ रहा हूँ।    - English: I have been reading this book. 4. वह तुम्हें बहुत देर से प्रतीक्षा कर रही है।    - English: She has been waiting for you for a long time. 5. हम यह नई योजना पर काम कर रहे हैं।    - English: We have been working on this new plan. 6. तुम्हारी माता जी बच्चों का ख्याल रख रही हैं।    - English: Your mother has been taking care of the children. In the

Present perfect tense examples in Hindi to English translation

The present perfect tense in Hindi is often formed using the auxiliary verb "है" (hai) along with the past participle of the main verb. Here are some examples along with their English translations: 1. हमने किताब पढ़ी है। (Hamne kitab padhi hai.)    English: We have read the book. 2. वह अपना काम किया है। (Vah apna kaam kiya hai.)    English: He has done his work. 3. मैंने यह फिल्म देखी है। (Maine yeh film dekhi hai.)    English: I have watched this movie. 4. तुमने अपना नाम लिखा है। (Tumne apna naam likha hai.)    English: You have written your name. 5. वे विदेश गए हैं। (Ve videsh gaye hain.)    English: They have gone abroad. 6. मेरे दोस्त अभी तक नहीं आए हैं। (Mere dost abhi tak nahi aaye hain.)    English: My friends have not come yet. In these examples, the present perfect tense is used to indicate actions that have been completed in the past but have a relevance to the present. The auxiliary verb "है" (hai) is conjugated based on the gender and number of the subje